Harmony Reign

I believe we create Harmony by liberating ourselves and believing our minds and hearts deserve to be free.  There is a beautiful synergy between the two that ignites the flame of a healthier you and thus we REIGN! This place of gathering and sharing is one for women to come together for Healing, Empowerment, Inspiration, and Reclamation. With Harmony Reign I have an acronym for the word “HEIR”. We will discuss and focus on Healing, Empowerment, Inspiration, and Reclamation.


Giving women tools to Heal from Trauma. As well as provide content and resources in the area of health and wellness.


Giving women content that builds and seeds their worth with what God has declared about us as women.


Providing women with opportunities and resources to build personal development and help stimulate their thoughts.


Teaching and encouraging women to get back up, take their power back and walk into their purpose with power & boldness.