Most of you know that it’s my 40th birthday.  I have begun a significant lifestyle shift and literally, I can’t explain the blessing to my body and mind that I have experienced already! Some of you have followed closely on social and I’ve organically shifted into the detox and better decisions for what I ingest. I have partnered with Body Complete Rx for their challenge and so with my #AvesFit40 & their #BCRXChallenge Life is a moment! Yes! It’s going down. I’m 25 pounds down with more to go, taking my power back from this hypothyroidism and naturally combatting the issues that come with it, because Body Complete’s products are LIFE! Hear me! I’ve attached the weekly challenge for #BCRXChallenge. 


Alternating leg curls, chair sits on the wall, Alternating lunges, Knee Planks, Alternating  Knee ups back to back for 30 secs, repeat twice back to back, Morning and Evening


Morning-30 mins Cycling or Treadmill fasting upon waking up
Evening-30 mins Cycling or Treadmill 



Alternating leg curls, chair sits on the wall, Alternating lunges, Knee Planks, Alternating Knee ups back to back for 30 secs, repeat twice back to back, Morning and Evening



Morning-30 mins Cycling or Treadmill fasting upon waking up

Evening-30 mins Cycling or Treadmill 



Pray for Your Body’s Alignment 5-7 mins
Any Cardio



Morning-Isolation for 20 mins (Solitude) 
At your leisure Run in place, Knee Ups, Sit ups, Bird Dog, Superman, Plank each for 30 secs , repeat twice 



Deep Breathing for 5 mins every other minute break!